Technician Certificate in Petroleum Geology (NTAL 5)
General Objectives
To train competent mid-cadre technicians (at Technician certificate level) by imparting knowledge, competencies and skills in the field of Petroleum Geology.
Specific Objectives
The Specific Objectives of the programme will be to ensure that upon completion of the NTAL 5 programme technicians are expected to be able to:
- Describe basic components of geological, geochemical and geophysical methods and perform (under supervision) geological and geochemical sampling, and geophysical data acquisition in oil and gas exploration and development;
- Operate field geological, electrical, and seismic and gravity tools and equipment related to oil and gas exploration and drilling.
- Prepare samples and undertake simple field and laboratory analysis and tests of geological (rocks, minerals, sediments and fossils) and geochemical samples;
- Apply remote sensing data and GIS to digitize and prepare maps in petroleum exploration.
- Prepare basic technical reports for geological, geochemical and geophysical field activities in oil and gas well drilling and logging activities in oil and gas exploration
- Undertake basic geological, geochemical and geophysical field camp management.
Admission Requirements
An applicant must have completed successfully the Basic Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Petroleum Geology or its equivalent from NACTVET acredited institution with at least a 2.0GPA.
The Modules
Semester I Modules
PGT 05101 | Structural Geology in Petroleum Exploration |
PGT 05102 | Application of Geophysics in Petroleum Exploration |
PGT 05103 | Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems |
PGT 05104 | Fieldwork and Camping Management |
Semester II Modules
PGT 05201 | Palaeontology |
PGT 05206 | Environmental Management in Geosciences |
PGT 05207 | Reservoir Characterization |
PGT 05208 | Map Digitization |
PGT 05209 | Field Work and Industrial Practical Training |