Optical Mineralogy Expert in Tanzania

The college is looking a part time Optical Mineralogy Expert in Tanzania to teach the subject to geology diploma students in Shinyanga Tanzania. Please call us or write an email attaching your CV / Resume, and contacts. NDALA, SHINYANGA: PLOT NO. 91, BLOCK HH P.O. ...

Mining College Partnership in Tanzania

ESIS is a small mining Institute located in Mwadui Gold Mines in Shinyanga Tanzania licensed by the National Council for Technical Education of Tanzania (NACTE) with Reg. No REG/EOS/041P to offer Exploration and Mining Geology, Petroleum Geosciences, Mining...

Basic Technician Certificate in Gemology

Graduates in Basic Technician Certificate in Gemology (NTLA -4) field are expected to have basic concepts and competence in gemology. This competence involves, at routine level, the application of skills and knowledge that they have gained together with the knowledge...
Research and Consultancy

Research and Consultancy

ESIS shall have a research and Consultancy unit dedicated in Active tectonics and Natural hazards: that is all studies related to Paleoseismology (paleoearthquakes), Seismology, Paleostress analysis, Volcanology, Landslides and environmental impacts of these aspects)....

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